UAW Strike Against Big Three Automakers: What You Need to Know

UAW Strike Against Big Three Automakers: What You Need to Know

The United Auto Workers (UAW) went on strike against General Motors, Ford, and Stellantis on September 15, 2023, demanding pay raises and improved benefits. The strike is the first time in the union’s history that it has gone on strike against all three automakers at once.

What are the demands of the UAW?

The UAW is demanding a 4% pay raise over three years, along with improved health care benefits and job security provisions. The union is also calling for a reduction in the use of temporary workers.

What have the automakers offered?

The automakers have offered a 3% pay raise over three years, along with some improvements to health care benefits. However, they have not agreed to the UAW’s demands for job security provisions or a reduction in the use of temporary workers.

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What is the impact of the strike?

The strike is having a significant impact on the auto industry and the economy. The automakers are losing billions of dollars in revenue each day, and the strike is causing a shortage of new cars. The strike could also have a ripple effect through the economy, affecting other industries such as the shipping and retail industries.

How long could the strike last?

It is unclear how long the strike could last. The UAW has said that it is willing to strike for as long as it takes to get a fair contract. The automakers have said that they are prepared to keep the plants running during the strike, but they would have to use temporary workers.

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What is the future of the UAW strike?

The future of the UAW strike is uncertain. The two sides are still negotiating, and it is possible that they will reach a deal soon. However, it is also possible that the strike could drag on for weeks or even months. The outcome of the strike will have a significant impact on the future of labor relations in the United States.

How can you help?

There are a few things you can do to help the UAW strike:

  • Spread the word about the strike.
  • Contact your elected officials and urge them to support the UAW.
  • Donate to the UAW strike fund.
  • Join the picket line.

By taking these actions, you can help the UAW win a fair contract for its members.

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